Tyrell Carr, Ph.D.
- Associate Dean, Sponsored ProgramsDepartment of Biological and Physical Sciences
Contact Info:
- tcarr@2fitfashion.com
- 919.516.4309
- Penick Hall Room 207
Educational Background
B.S. – Biology
Elizabeth City State University
M.S. – Genetics
Iowa State University
Ph.D. – Genetics
Iowa State University
Post-Doctoral Fellowship
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Area(s) of Research
Plant Molecular Biology
Cho, S.K., Kang, I.H., Carr, T. and Hannapel, D.J. Using the yeast three-hybrid system to identify proteins that interact with a phloem-mobile mRNA. (2012). Frontiers in Plant Science 3, 189.
Klopffleisch, K., Phan, N., Augustin, K., Bayne, R.S., Booker, K.S., Botella, J.R., Carpita, N.C., Carr, T., Chen, J.G., Cooke, T.R., Frick-Cheng, A., Friedman, E.J., Fulk, B,, Hahn, M,G,, Jiang, K., Jorda, L., Kruppe, L., Liu, C., Lorek., J, McCann, M.C., Molina, A., Moriyama, E.N., Mukhtar, M.S., Mudgil, Y., Pattathil, S., Schwarz, J., Seta, S., Tan, M., Temp, U., Trusov, Y., Urano, D., Welter, B., Yang, J., Panstruga, R., Uhrig, J.F. and Jones, A.M. (2011). Arabidopsis G-protein interactome reveals connections to cell wall carbohydrates and morphogenesis. Molecular Systems Biology 7, 532
Carr, T. and Whitham, S.A. (2007). An Emerging Model System: Arabidopsis as a Viral Host Plant. Plant Cell Monographs: Viral transport in plants, 159-183.
Yang, C., Guo, R., Jie, F., Nettleton D., Peng, J., Carr, T., Yeakley, J., Fan, J.-B. and Whitham, S.A. (2007). Spatial analysis of host gene expression in response to viral infection. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 20, 358-370.
Carr, T., Wang, Y., Huang, Z., Yeakley, J. M. Fan, J.-B. and Whitham S.A. (2006). Tobamovirus infection is independent of HSP101 mRNA induction and protein expression. Virus Research 121, 33-41.